Get Involved

Membership for Spectacle Pond Resident Abutters
$10 per person; $15 per couple

The Spectacle Pond Association is a 501c3 corporation that relies on its members to be successful in its maintenance initiatives for a pond that remains clean and suitable for all its current uses. The SPA relies on membership dollars to enact these initiatives and continue to make Spectacle Pond a delightful place to live.

If not already a member but you live on the pond as a direct abutter, or you are an abutter to a pond abutter, please consider joining!

The annual membership fee is $10 per person, or $15 per couple.

Payment can be made in one of two ways:

1. Check, info to be confirmed

2. Handed at in-person meetings.


What are you passionate about - writing, photography, videography, tackling water issues, or simply being present at our meetings and being a soundboard for our ideas… we want you!