Meet the Pond’s Representatives

Littleton and Ayer Spectacle Pond Association

Littleton and Ayer Spectacle Pond Association (SPA) was founded in 1998 by a cadre of pond dwellers; its genesis spurred by a number of factors including profusion of non-native aquatic plant life, (then) Guilford Railroad’s plans to build a substantial auto unloading facility in Ayer in an environmentally sensitive area, and last but not least the realization that for many pond abutters, the pond is a focal point for residential living and that an organization was needed to collectively protect what is valuable.

Today, much of the Association’s work revolves around pond monitoring and mitigation, environmental advocacy, organizational structure and membership renewal. The goal of the SPA Board is to address issues with a commitment to research, dialogue and community.

Officers & Board Members


  • To be announced.

  • Click here to view past minutes of meetings.


Meet our Sustainability Partners

  • Littleton Clean Lakes Committee

    The Clean Lakes Committee mission is to assess conditions and coordinate improvements to Littleton’s lakes and ponds, by providing a forum which brings together town committee representatives and concerned citizens with representatives from neighborhood associations on Long Lake, Mill Pond, Spectacle Pond and Lake Matawanakee to plan and implement necessary actions to help restore and preserve water bodies, streams and wetlands in the Town of Littleton. As circumstances dictate, the Committee shall coordinate its activities with the Board of Selectmen, Board of Water Commissioners, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, and Planning Board or their representatives.

  • People of Ayer Concerned about the Environment (PACE)

    PACE is a volunteer organization whose mission is to ensure that the residents of Ayer and neighboring communities are not exposed to unnecessary environmental risk, and to communicate concerns to residents, government officials through education and community outreach.

  • Littleton Electric Light & Water Departments (LELWD)

    The Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments have been providing reliable power to the towns of Littleton and Boxborough, and clean drinking water to the town of Littleton for over a century. Beyond its core missions, the LELWD is committed to supporting projects and programs that improve the collective quality of life and enrich the communities that it serves

    The LELWD is recognized as a Reliable Public Power Provider, based on reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. The Electric and Light Department is also recognized as a Smart Energy Provider. This recognition is based on energy efficiency and distributed energy resources, environmental and sustainability programs, communication/education, and smart energy information..

  • Ayer Water Department